Use "long-term solution|long term solution" in a sentence

1. This is a long-term solution.

2. That is the short- term solution but you also need a long- term solution.

3. One solution is to retrain the long-term unemployed.

4. It's only a stopgap measure, not a long - term solution.

5. The long term solution to condensation on the Basement walls is …

6. They also have a theoretical solution for long-term Antimatter storage.

7. Avoiding emotional discomfort, however, is usually a short-term solution that leads to long-term problems

8. This solution is politically expedient but may well cause long-term problems.

9. Any long term solution to climate change requires the development and diffusion of technologies for adaptation.

10. Ant baits can be an effective solution against Ants long-term, but they require some patience

11. You know you can't rob banks 24 hours a day, so that's not a long-term solution.

12. Flexible water storage Bladders & tanks provide the ideal solution for temporary or long term water storage Bladders.

13. What is Anisotonic solution? Meaning of Anisotonic solution as a legal term

14. The Hydro-Québec aerial warning marker provides power line owners and operators with a safe, effective and long-term solution.

15. Knowledge of alkali concentration in concrete pore solution is key for long-term evaluation of alkali-silica reaction (ASR) expansion.

16. It is comforting to know that God has initiated a long-term, permanent solution to the problem of human suffering.

17. And so it's a short-term solution.

18. For long-term assets, only ECAI long-term issuer ratings shall be acceptable.

19. He said that the deportations could jeopardise international negotiations aimed at finding a long-term solution to the boat people problem.

20. Owners and workload Assigners must realize that the situation can only be temporary and a proper long-term solution is necessary

21. • Talk about long-term and short-term goals.

22. Long-term tactical formations.

23. Cramming for tests is a short-term solution

24. Anorexic Diet, similarly, is a short term solution

25. 65 Long-Term Debt Include the long-term balance of all mortgages and other long-term obligations such as bonds, debentures and similar securities.

26. • 1990s – Nitrate Addition System (Bioxide®) Online • 2014 – Sanitary Sewer and MH Rehab + Bioxide® Offline • 2016 – Short Term Solution Implementation & Options Analysis for Long-Term Solution • 2017 – Design of Oxygen Injection System • 2018 – Construction of Oxygen Injection System

27. What kind of mixture of long-term, short-term...?

28. We want long-term solutions, not short-term palliatives.

29. Long-Term Agricultural Baseline Projections

30. Proposals suggested by the Indian fishermen during the meeting could form the basis of a mutually acceptable long-term solution to the issue.

31. Long-term assets Capital assets (building, equipment) Land Less: accumulated depreciation Total long-term assets Total assets

32. Long-term debt securities (AF.332)

33. A Long-Term View Is Essential

34. We need long-term solutions, not short-term Band-Aid ones.

35. Contrarians, however, see long-term opportunity.

36. He's planned something, something long-term.

37. A license for long-term money.

38. Long-term (per actuarial report), including:

39. Long-term unemployment can be devastating.

40. What are your long term plans?

41. Tensions crop up too between the short term and long term.

42. 27 Long term liabilities refers to total debt payable within an operating cycle of one year or over one year, including long-term loans, payable liabilities, long-term payables, etc.

43. Therefore, good long - term development of China's economy, the second bottom will usher in something long - term investment.

44. Living Cheaply for the long term sometimes involves spending more money now with an eye toward long-term savings.

45. Planners usually define short-term goals in relation to long-term goals.

46. Foreign debt Long-term Short-term Aaa P-1 AAA A-1+

47. We need long-term solutions[ ], not short-term Band-Aid ones.

48. One tends to overemphasize short - term payoffs and ignores long - term strength.

49. The term Aqueous refers to a substance in solution with water

50. In solution, DNA Behaves like a long, braided thread

51. Clipper Group Long-term commitment to shipping

52. b) Of a long-term, enduring nature

53. In the long term, violence begets violence.

54. Many Breathing problems are long-term (chronic)

55. A Columbarium is a long term investment

56. Sustainable development implies a long-term perspective.

57. But doubts surround the long-term benefits.

58. Cashew farming is a long-term project

59. This could indicate long-term adaptation processes.

60. Suppose you are a long-term smoker.

61. The project will have long-term benefits.

62. a high level of long-term unemployment

63. Operational costs under long-term lease arrangements

64. Long term tolerance however is an issue .

65. • Map sites accurately for long term monitoring

66. The bulk purchase long - term user preferences.

67. 14 Net proceeds will be used to repay short and long-term debt, refinance long term debt and for working capital.

68. Long-Term Warranties With our long-term warranties, you can be confident in your satisfaction, care and maintenance of your Bathroom.

69. Binocs is an enterprise cloud solution that enables short-, mid- and long-term visibility into your resource demand and capacity, and can schedule experts and equipment accordingly.

70. According to Datamonitor, says the Tribune, “the message that dieters need to receive is that a diet alone is not a long-term solution to excessive weight.”

71. 15 Net proceeds will be used to repay short and long-term debt, refinance long term debt and for working capital.

72. There is no easy short-term solution to Britain's chronic economic malaise.

73. Weight loss: Cleanses are a highly effective, short-term weight loss solution

74. Elaborated long - term , metaphase, short - term and super - short - term trade reach corresponding electrovalency and settle accounts method.

75. Quick and Long-Term Fixes for Blotchy Skin

76. But long-term unsupervised fasting can be hazardous.


78. Such stubborn opponents have no long-term future.

79. Long-term prospects for the economy have improved.

80. Does she have any long-term health problems?